Анализ результатов экзаменов на лицензирование профессиональной врачебной деятельности выпускников медицинских институтов Монголии
1. Swanson D.B., Roberts T.E. Trends in national licensing examinations in medicine // Medical education. 2016. Vol. 50. №1. P.101-114.
2. Sullivan P. As number of medical schools surges, so does concern about quality. Can MedAssoc, 2003.
3. Amin Z., Burdick W.P., Supe A., Singh T. Relevance of the Flexner Report to contemporarymedical education in South Asia // Academic Medicine. 2010. Vol. 85. №2. P.333-339.
4. Tabish S.A. Assessment methods in medical education // International journal of health sciences. 2010. Vol. 2. №2.
5. Shete A., Kausar A., Lakhkar K., Khan S. Item analysis: An evaluation of multiple choicequestions in Physiology examination // Journal of Contemporary Medical Education.2015. Vol. 3. №3. P.106.
6. Haist S.A., Butler A.P., Paniagua M.A. Testing and evaluation: the present and future of theassessment of medical professionals // Advances in physiology education. 2017. Vol. 41. №1. P.149-153.
7. Ahn D.S., Ahn S. Reconsidering the Cut Score of Korean National Medical LicensingExamination // Journal of educational evaluation for health professions. 2007. Vol. 4.
8. Лхагвасурен Ц., Сумберзул Н., Церендагва Д., Оюунго Б., Отгонбаяр Д. Медицинское образование. Уланбатор 2018. p.90. ( Монголия)
9. Cronbach L.J. Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests // Psychometrika.1951. Vol. 16. №3. P.297-334.
10. Оюунго Б. Методы оценки и форм медицинского образования. Уланбатор; 2017.p.22. (Монголия)
11. Оюунго Б. Некоторые аспекты развития оценки клинической компетентности студентов-медиков. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата медицинских наук. Уланбатор 2010. P.48-51. (Монголия)
12. Сумберзул Н., Оюунбилег Ш. Медицинское образование. Уланбатор; 2001. p100-104. (Монголия)
13. DiBattista D., Kurzawa L. Examination of the Quality of Multiple-Choice Items onClassroom Tests // Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 2011. Vol. 2. №2. P.4.
14. Сумберзул Н. Разработка оценки знания ст удентовмедиков. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата медицинских наук. Уланбатор 2002. С.31-34 (Монголия)
15. Guttormsen S., Beyeler C., Bonvin R., et al. The new licencing examination for humanmedicine: from concept to implementation // Swiss medical weekly. Dec3 2013; 143: w13897. www.amc.org.au.
16. Archer J., Lynn N., Roberts M., Coombes L., Gale T., de Regand Bere S. A Systematic Review on the impact of licensing examinations for doctors in countries comparable to the UK. Final report to the GMC. Collaboration for the Advancement of Medical Education Research.Plymouth, England: Plymouth University Peninsula. 2015.
17. Zahn C.M., Saguil A., Artino A.R., Jr., et al. Correlation of National Board of MedicalExaminers scores with United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 And Step 2 scores // Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2012. Vol. 87. №10. P.1348-1354.
1. Swanson D.B., Roberts T.E. Trends in national licensing examinations in medicine // Medical education. 2016. Vol. 50. №1. P.101-114.
2. Sullivan P. As number of medical schools surges, so does concern about quality. Can MedAssoc, 2003.
3. Amin Z., Burdick W.P., Supe A., Singh T. Relevance of the Flexner Report to contemporarymedical education in South Asia // Academic Medicine. 2010. Vol. 85. №2. P.333-339.
4. Tabish S.A. Assessment methods in medical education // International journal of health sciences. 2010. Vol. 2. №2.
5. Shete A., Kausar A., Lakhkar K., Khan S. Item analysis: An evaluation of multiple choicequestions in Physiology examination // Journal of Contemporary Medical Education.2015. Vol. 3. №3. P.106.
6. Haist S.A., Butler A.P., Paniagua M.A. Testing and evaluation: the present and future of theassessment of medical professionals // Advances in physiology education. 2017. Vol. 41. №1. P.149-153.
7. Ahn D.S., Ahn S. Reconsidering the Cut Score of Korean National Medical LicensingExamination // Journal of educational evaluation for health professions. 2007. Vol. 4.
8. Lkhagvasuren Ts., Sumberzul N., Tserendagva D., Oyungoo B., Otgonbayar D. Medical education. Ulaanbaatar 2018. p.90. (in Mongolian)
9. Cronbach L.J. Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests // Psychometrika.1951. Vol. 16. №3. P.297-334.
10. Oyungoo B. Assessment medods in medical education. Ulaanbaatar; 2017. p22 (in Mongolian)
11. Oyungoo B. Some aspects of clinical competence evaluation development of medical students. Dissertation of PhD in medicine. Ulaanbaatar: MNUMS.2010. p48-51. (in Mongolian)
12. Sumberzul N. Oyunbileg Sh. Medical education. Ulaanbaatar: Admon; 2001. p.100-104. (in Mongolian)
13. DiBattista D., Kurzawa L. Examination of the Quality of Multiple-Choice Items onClassroom Tests // Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 2011. Vol. 2. №2. P.4.
14. Sumberzul N. Development of khowledge evaluation of medical students. Dissertation of Ph.D in medicine. Ulaanbaatar: MNUMS. 2003. p31-34 (in Mongolian)
15. Guttormsen S., Beyeler C., Bonvin R., et al. The new licencing examination for humanmedicine: from concept to implementation // Swiss medical weekly. Dec3 2013; 143: w13897. www.amc.org.au.
16. Archer J., Lynn N., Roberts M., Coombes L., Gale T., de Regand Bere S. A Systematic Review on the impact of licensing examinations for doctors in countries comparable to the UK. Final report to the GMC. Collaboration for the Advancement of Medical Education Research.Plymouth, England: Plymouth University Peninsula. 2015.
17. Zahn C.M., Saguil A., Artino A.R., Jr., et al. Correlation of National Board of MedicalExaminers scores with United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 And Step 2 scores // Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2012. Vol. 87. №10. P.1348-1354.
2. Sullivan P. As number of medical schools surges, so does concern about quality. Can MedAssoc, 2003.
3. Amin Z., Burdick W.P., Supe A., Singh T. Relevance of the Flexner Report to contemporarymedical education in South Asia // Academic Medicine. 2010. Vol. 85. №2. P.333-339.
4. Tabish S.A. Assessment methods in medical education // International journal of health sciences. 2010. Vol. 2. №2.
5. Shete A., Kausar A., Lakhkar K., Khan S. Item analysis: An evaluation of multiple choicequestions in Physiology examination // Journal of Contemporary Medical Education.2015. Vol. 3. №3. P.106.
6. Haist S.A., Butler A.P., Paniagua M.A. Testing and evaluation: the present and future of theassessment of medical professionals // Advances in physiology education. 2017. Vol. 41. №1. P.149-153.
7. Ahn D.S., Ahn S. Reconsidering the Cut Score of Korean National Medical LicensingExamination // Journal of educational evaluation for health professions. 2007. Vol. 4.
8. Лхагвасурен Ц., Сумберзул Н., Церендагва Д., Оюунго Б., Отгонбаяр Д. Медицинское образование. Уланбатор 2018. p.90. ( Монголия)
9. Cronbach L.J. Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests // Psychometrika.1951. Vol. 16. №3. P.297-334.
10. Оюунго Б. Методы оценки и форм медицинского образования. Уланбатор; 2017.p.22. (Монголия)
11. Оюунго Б. Некоторые аспекты развития оценки клинической компетентности студентов-медиков. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата медицинских наук. Уланбатор 2010. P.48-51. (Монголия)
12. Сумберзул Н., Оюунбилег Ш. Медицинское образование. Уланбатор; 2001. p100-104. (Монголия)
13. DiBattista D., Kurzawa L. Examination of the Quality of Multiple-Choice Items onClassroom Tests // Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 2011. Vol. 2. №2. P.4.
14. Сумберзул Н. Разработка оценки знания ст удентовмедиков. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата медицинских наук. Уланбатор 2002. С.31-34 (Монголия)
15. Guttormsen S., Beyeler C., Bonvin R., et al. The new licencing examination for humanmedicine: from concept to implementation // Swiss medical weekly. Dec3 2013; 143: w13897. www.amc.org.au.
16. Archer J., Lynn N., Roberts M., Coombes L., Gale T., de Regand Bere S. A Systematic Review on the impact of licensing examinations for doctors in countries comparable to the UK. Final report to the GMC. Collaboration for the Advancement of Medical Education Research.Plymouth, England: Plymouth University Peninsula. 2015.
17. Zahn C.M., Saguil A., Artino A.R., Jr., et al. Correlation of National Board of MedicalExaminers scores with United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 And Step 2 scores // Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2012. Vol. 87. №10. P.1348-1354.
1. Swanson D.B., Roberts T.E. Trends in national licensing examinations in medicine // Medical education. 2016. Vol. 50. №1. P.101-114.
2. Sullivan P. As number of medical schools surges, so does concern about quality. Can MedAssoc, 2003.
3. Amin Z., Burdick W.P., Supe A., Singh T. Relevance of the Flexner Report to contemporarymedical education in South Asia // Academic Medicine. 2010. Vol. 85. №2. P.333-339.
4. Tabish S.A. Assessment methods in medical education // International journal of health sciences. 2010. Vol. 2. №2.
5. Shete A., Kausar A., Lakhkar K., Khan S. Item analysis: An evaluation of multiple choicequestions in Physiology examination // Journal of Contemporary Medical Education.2015. Vol. 3. №3. P.106.
6. Haist S.A., Butler A.P., Paniagua M.A. Testing and evaluation: the present and future of theassessment of medical professionals // Advances in physiology education. 2017. Vol. 41. №1. P.149-153.
7. Ahn D.S., Ahn S. Reconsidering the Cut Score of Korean National Medical LicensingExamination // Journal of educational evaluation for health professions. 2007. Vol. 4.
8. Lkhagvasuren Ts., Sumberzul N., Tserendagva D., Oyungoo B., Otgonbayar D. Medical education. Ulaanbaatar 2018. p.90. (in Mongolian)
9. Cronbach L.J. Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests // Psychometrika.1951. Vol. 16. №3. P.297-334.
10. Oyungoo B. Assessment medods in medical education. Ulaanbaatar; 2017. p22 (in Mongolian)
11. Oyungoo B. Some aspects of clinical competence evaluation development of medical students. Dissertation of PhD in medicine. Ulaanbaatar: MNUMS.2010. p48-51. (in Mongolian)
12. Sumberzul N. Oyunbileg Sh. Medical education. Ulaanbaatar: Admon; 2001. p.100-104. (in Mongolian)
13. DiBattista D., Kurzawa L. Examination of the Quality of Multiple-Choice Items onClassroom Tests // Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 2011. Vol. 2. №2. P.4.
14. Sumberzul N. Development of khowledge evaluation of medical students. Dissertation of Ph.D in medicine. Ulaanbaatar: MNUMS. 2003. p31-34 (in Mongolian)
15. Guttormsen S., Beyeler C., Bonvin R., et al. The new licencing examination for humanmedicine: from concept to implementation // Swiss medical weekly. Dec3 2013; 143: w13897. www.amc.org.au.
16. Archer J., Lynn N., Roberts M., Coombes L., Gale T., de Regand Bere S. A Systematic Review on the impact of licensing examinations for doctors in countries comparable to the UK. Final report to the GMC. Collaboration for the Advancement of Medical Education Research.Plymouth, England: Plymouth University Peninsula. 2015.
17. Zahn C.M., Saguil A., Artino A.R., Jr., et al. Correlation of National Board of MedicalExaminers scores with United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 And Step 2 scores // Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2012. Vol. 87. №10. P.1348-1354.
Как цитировать
АЛИМА, Гомбо et al.
Анализ результатов экзаменов на лицензирование профессиональной врачебной деятельности выпускников медицинских институтов Монголии.
Сибирский медицинский журнал (Иркутск) 16+, [S.l.], v. 156, n. 1, p. 62-67, авг. 2019.
ISSN 1815-7572. Доступно на: <http://smj.ismu.baikal.ru/index.php/osn/article/view/359>. Дата доступа: 25 янв. 2025
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