• Владимир Анатольевич Белобородов Иркутский государственный медицинский университет; Иркутская городская клиническая больница № 1
  • Владимир Анатольевич Воробьев Иркутский государственный медицинский университет; Иркутская городская клиническая больница № 1


В обзорной статье представлена историческая роль поражений мочеиспускательного канала, оказавшая существенное влияние не только на судьбы отдельных людей, но и на все человечество. Описано становление лечебных процедур, направленных на восстановление самостоятельного мочеиспускания после уретральной травмы, проблемы диагностирования уретральных поражений и их осложения, ведущие к смертельным последствиям. Охарактеризовано становление всех основных методов помощи пациентам со стриктурной болезнью уретры - цистостомия, катетеризация, уретротомия, дилатация, реконструктивная хирургия. Проанализированы отечественные и зарубежные источники, выполнена попытка установления первоначальных авторов реканализационных и реконструктивных хирургических методов лечения. Оценено дальнейшее развитие уретральной хирургии, позволившее избежать смерти вследствие уретральной травмы или развития стриктур уретры.


1. Русаков В.И. Хирургия мочеиспускательного канала - М.: Медицина, 1991. - 270 с.
2. Сапежко К.М. Клинический материал к вопросу о пе-ресадке слизистой оболочки: Дисс. ... д-ра мед. наук. Киев: Типо-лит. товарищ. «И.Н. Кушнерев и К°», 1892.
3. Сапежко К.М. К лечению дефектов уретры путем пере-садки слизистой оболочки // Хирургическая летопись. - 1894.- Т. 4. №5. - С.775-784.
4. Тырмос И.А. К излечению дефектов уретры путем пере-садки слизистой оболочки // Русский хирургический архив.- 1902. - №5. _ С.1036-1042.
5. Хольцов Б.Н. Радикальное лечение сужений мочеиспу-скательного канала иссечением суженной части канала // Русский хирургический архив. - 1908. - Т. 3. №XXIV. - С.390- 407.
6. ЦельсА.К. О медицине / Пер. Ю.Ф. Шульца. Вступ. ст. и ред. В.Н. Терновского. - М., 1959. - 408 с.
7. Чухриенко Д.П., Люлько А.В. Атлас операций на органах мочеполовой системы. - М.: Медицина, 1972. - 377 с.
8. Bailey Н. Rupture of the urethra // Br J Surg. - 1927. - Vol. 15. - P.370-384.
9. Bailey H., Huddy G.P. Extravasation of urine with especial reference to perurethral abscess // Br J Surg. - 1924. - Vol. 12. - P.183-191.
10. Barbagli G. History and Evolution of Transpubic Urethroplasty: A Lesson for Young Urologists in Training // European Urology. - 2007. - Vol. 52. - Р.1290-1292.
11. Bell B. A Probationary Essay on Injuries of the Male Urethra. - Edinburgh: Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 1835. - P.7-39.
12. Berry N.E. Traumatic rupture of the bladder and urethra: a report of thirty-six cases from die Department of Urology, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal // Can Med Assoc J. - 1930. - Vol. 22. - P.475-483.
13. Bond C.J. Some practical points in the treatment of cases of fractured pelvis with ruptured bladder and of cases of ruptured urethra // Lancet. - 1901. - №2. - P. 1404-1406.
14. Blandy J.P. Urethral stricture // Postgraduate Medical Journal. - 1980. - Vol. 56. №656. - P.383-418.
15. Brewer C. The Death of Kings. A Medical History of the Kings and Queens of England. - London: Abson Books, 2000. - P.21-27.
16. Brown R. Treatment of the traumatic rupture of the urethra // JAMA. - 1908. - Vol. 22. - P.1865-1866.
17. Burger R.A., Muller S.C., el-Damanhoury H., et al. The buccal mucosal graft for urethral reconstruction: a preliminary report // Journal of Urology. - 1992. - Vol. 147. №3. - P.662-664.
18. Chambers R.M., Baitera B. The anatomy of the urethral stricture // Br J Urol. - 1977. - Vol. 49. №6. - P.545-551.
19. Chopart F. Traite Des Maladies Des Voies Urinaires. Vol. 2. - Paris: Chez Remont et Fils Libraries, 1821. - P.239-240.
20. Cumston C.G. A note on the history of retrograde catheterisation in ruptures of the urethra // Boston Med Surg J. - 1913. - P.168-232.
21. Deanesly E. Ruptures of the urethra, intra-pelvic and perineal // Lancet. - 1907. - №1. - P.81-83.
22. Diogenes Laertius. Lives of Eminent Philosophers. - P.10-
23. Engel R.M., Didusch W.P., Moll EH. Fessenden Nott Otis (1825-1900): versatile pioneer in urology in the USA // Aktuelle Urol. - 2008. - Vol. 39. №3. - P.184-186.
24. Guy on J. C. Retention d urine de cause traumatique. Chapter in Lecons Cliniques Sur Les Maladies Des Voies Urinaires, 4th edn. Vol. 1. - Paris: Bailliere JB et Fils, 1903. - P.273-292.
25. James R.R. The medical history of William the Conqueror // Lancet. - 1937.-P.l 151.
26. Johanson B. The reconstruction in stenosis of the male urethra // Z Urol. - 1953. - Vol. 46. №6. - P.361-375.
27. Islington Medical Society. Catheter stricture // Lancet. - 1890. - №2. - P.977.
28. Kulkarni S.B. History of Urethroplasty, Timeline URL: https://strictureurethra.wordpress.com/article/history-of- urethroplasty/
29. Humby G. A one-stage operation for hypospadias // Br. J. Surg. - 1941. - Vol. 29. - P.84-92.
30. MacLeod R. Affections of the urinary organs. Case 1 - ruptured urethra // Lond Med Phys J (new series). - 1828. - №4. - P.315-319.
31. Marx E The Latin text is that of the Teubner, 1915 // as reprinted in the Loeb edition. - 1935. - Vol. I and 1938 Vol. II-
32. McCague E.J., Semans J.H. The management of traumatic rupture of the urethra and bladder complicating fracture of the pelvis // J Urol. - 1944. - Vol. 52. - P.36-41.
33. Mialaret J. Georges Marion (1869-1960) // Mem Acad Chir. Paris. - 1966. - Vol. 92. №1. - P.109-127.
34. Middleton R.P. A plea for the abolition of the retention catheter in the preparation of patients for prostatic surgery // JAMA. - 1940. - Vol. 114. - P.2368-2369.
35. Moog F.P., Karenberg A., Moll F. The catheter and its use from Hippocrates to Galen // J Urol. - 2005. - Vol. 174. - P.1196- 1198.
36. Morison R. Clinical Lecture on Some Urethral Injuries and the Treatment of Urethral Stricture. Surgical Contributions, Vol. 1 // General Surgery. - Bristol: John Wright, 1916. - P.271-285.
37. Newland D.E. Genitourinary complications of pelvic fractures // JAMA. - 1953. - Vol. 152. - P.1515-1520.
38. Owen E. A case of traumatic rupture of the prostatic urethra; compound fracture of both legs; operation; recovery // Lancet. - 1902. - №1. - P.443-444.
39. Paine D., Coombes W. Transpubic reconstruction of the urethra // Br J Urol. - 1968. - Vol. 40. №1. - P.78-84.
40. Pierce J.M. Jr. Exposure of the membranous and posterior urethra by total pubectomy // J Urol. - 1962. - Vol. 88. - P.256- 258.
41. Raya-Rivera A., Esquiliano D.R., Yoo J.J., et al. Tissue- engineered autologous urethras for patients who need reconstruction: an observational study // Lancet. - 2011. - Vol. 377. №9772. - P.1175-1182. DC)I:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)62354-9.
42. Rutherfurd H. On ruptured urethra: its treatment by combined drainage (suprapubic and per urethram) // Lancet. - 1904. - №2. - P.751-753.
43. Singh М., Blandy J.P. The pathology of urethral stricture // J Urol. - 1976. - Vol. 115. №6. - P.673-676.
44. Smith G.G., MintzE.R. Traumatic rupture of the urethra // Trans Am Assoc Genitourin Surg. - 1931. - Vol. 24. - P.241-248.
45. Thomas W. Cases of urinary difficulties occurring in boys // Lancet. - 1886. - №2. - P.339-341.
46. Thompson H. The history and practice of urethroplasty // Lancet. - Vol. 68. №1721. - P.219-220. DOI: http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/S0140-6736(02)76336-8
47. Turner-Warwick R. Complex traumatic posterior urethral strictures // Trans Am Assoc Genitourin Surg. - 1976. - Vol. 68. - P.60-72.
48. Waterhouse K., Abrahams J.I., Gruber H., et al. The transpubic approach to the lower urinary tract // J Urol. - 1973. - Vol. 109. №3. - P.486-490.
49. William of Malmesbury. Chronicle of the Kings of England. Translation by J.A. Giles. - London: Henry G Bohn, 1847. - P.306-311.
50. Wiseman R. Chirurgical Treatises, 4th edn. - London: Printed for Benjamin Tooke and John Meredith, 1705. - P.527- 540.
51. Webster G.D., Goldwasser B. Perineal transpubic repair: a technique for treating post-traumatic prostatomembranous urethral strictures // J Urol. - 1986. - Vol. 135. №2. - P.278-279.
1. Rusakov V.I. Surgery of the urethra. - Moscow: Meditsina, 1991. - 270 p. (in Russian)
2. SapezhkoK.M. Clinical material formucosal transplantation: Diss.... PhD (Medicine). - Kiev: Press by «I.N. Kushnerev i K°», 1892. (in Russian)
3. Sapezhko K.M. Treatment of urethral defects by mucosal transplantation // Hirurgicheskie letopisi. - 1894. - Vol. 4. №5. - P.775-784. (in Russian)
4. Tyrmos LA. To cure urethral defects by mucosal transplantation // Russkij Hirurgicheskij Arkhiv. - 1902. - №5. - P. 1036-1042. (in Russian)
5. Hol’cov B.N. Radical treatment of urethral narrowing by excision of the narrowed part of the canal // Russkij hirurgicheskij arhiv. - 1908. - Vol. 3. №XXIV. - P.390-407. (in Russian)
6. CelsusA.C. About medicine / Trans, of Ju.F. Shul’ca. Ed. by V.N. Ternovskogo. - Moscow, 1959. - 408 p. (in Russian)
7. Chuhrienko D.P., Ljul’ko A.V. Atlas of operations on the organs of the genitourinary system. - Moscow: Meditsina, 1972.
- 377 p. (in Russian)
8. Bailey H. Rupture of the urethra // Br J Surg. - 1927. - Vol.
15. - P.370-384.
9. Bailey H„ Huddy G.P. Extravasation of urine with especial
reference to perurethral abscess // Br J Surg. - 1924. - Vol. 12. - P.183-191.
10. Barbagli G. History and Evolution of Transpubic Urethroplasty: A Lesson for Young Urologists in Training // European Urology. - 2007. - Vol. 52. - P.1290-1292.
11. Bell B. A Probationary Essay on Injuries of the Male Urethra. - Edinburgh: Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 1835. - P.7-39.
12. Berry N.E. Traumatic rupture of the bladder and urethra: a report of thirty-six cases from the Department of Urology, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal // Can Med Assoc J. - 1930. - Vol. - P.475-483.
13. Bond C.J. Some practical points in the treatment of cases of fractured pelvis with ruptured bladder and of cases of ruptured urethra // Lancet. - 1901. - №2. - P.1404-1406.
14. Blandy J.P. Urethral stricture // Postgraduate Medical Journal. - 1980. - Vol. 56. №656. - P.383-418.
15. Brewer C. The Death of Kings. A Medical History of the Kings and Queens of England. - London: Abson Books, 2000. - P.21-27.
16. Brown R. Treatment of the traumatic rupture of the urethra // JAMA. - 1908. - Vol. 22. - P.1865-1866.
17. Burger R.A., Mtiller S.C., el-Damanhoury Н., et al. The buccal mucosal graft for urethral reconstruction: a preliminary report // Journal of Urology. - 1992. - Vol. 147. №3. - P.662-664.
18. Chambers R.M., Baitera B. The anatomy of the urethral stricture // Br J Urol. - 1977. - Vol. 49. №6. - P.545-551.
19. Chopart F. Traite Des Maladies Des Voies Urinaires. Vol.
2. - Paris: Chez Remont et Fils Libraries, 1821. - P.239-240.
20. Cumston C.G. A note on the history of retrograde catheterisation in ruptures of the urethra // Boston Med Surg J. - 1913. - P.168-232.
21. Deanesly E. Ruptures of the urethra, intra-pelvic and perineal // Lancet. - 1907. - №1. - P.81-83.
22. Diogenes Laertius. Lives of Eminent Philosophers. - P.10-
23. Engel R.M., Didusch W.P., Moll EH. Fessenden Nott Otis (1825-1900): versatile pioneer in urology in the USA // Aktuelle Urol. - 2008. - Vol. 39. №3. - P.184-186.
24. Guy on J. C. Retention d’urine de cause traumatique. Chapter in Lecons Cliniques Sur Les Maladies Des Voies Urinaires, 4th edn. Vol. 1. - Paris: Bailliere JB et Fils, 1903. - P.273-292.
25. James R.R. The medical history of William the Conqueror // Lancet. - 1937.-P.l 151.
26. Johanson B. The reconstruction in stenosis of the male urethra // Z Urol. - 1953. - Vol. 46. №6. - P.361-375.
27. Islington Medical Society. Catheter stricture // Lancet. - 1890. - №2. - P.977.
28. Kulkarni S.B. History of Urethroplasty, Timeline URL: https://strictureurethra.wordpress.com/article/history-of- urethroplasty/
29. Humby G. A one-stage operation for hypospadias // Br. J. Surg. - 1941. - Vol. 29. - P.84-92.
30. MacLeod R. Affections of the urinary organs. Case 1 - ruptured urethra // Lond Med Phys J (new series). - 1828. - №4.- P.315-319.
31. Marx F. The Latin text is that of the Teubner, 1915 // as reprinted in the Loeb edition. - 1935. - Vol. I and 1938 Vol. II-III.
32. McCague E.J., Semans J.H. The management of traumatic rupture of the urethra and bladder complicating fracture of the pelvis // J Urol. - 1944. - Vol. 52. - P.36-41.
33. Mialaret J. Georges Marion (1869-1960) // Mem Acad Chir. Paris. - 1966. - Vol. 92. №1. - P.109-127.
34. Middleton R.P. A plea for the abolition of the retention catheter in the preparation of patients for prostatic surgery // JAMA. - 1940. - Vol. 114. - P.2368-2369.
35. Moog F.P., Karenberg A., Moll F. The catheter and its use from Hippocrates to Galen // J Urol. - 2005. - Vol. 174. - P.1196- 1198.
36. Morison R. Clinical Lecture on Some Urethral Injuries and the Treatment of Urethral Stricture. Surgical Contributions, Vol. 1 // General Surgery. - Bristol: John Wright, 1916. - P.271-285.
37. Newland D.E. Genitourinary complications of pelvic fractures // JAMA. - 1953. - Vol. 152. - P.1515-1520.
38. Owen E. A case of traumatic rupture of the prostatic urethra; compound fracture of both legs; operation; recovery // Lancet. - 1902. - №1. - P.443-444.
39. Paine D., Coombes W. Transpubic reconstruction of the urethra // Br J Urol. - 1968. - Vol. 40. №1. - P.78-84.
40. Pierce J.M. Jr. Exposure of the membranous and posterior urethra by total pubectomy // J Urol. - 1962. - Vol. 88. - P.256- 258.
41. Raya-Rivera A., Esquiliano D.R., Yoo J.J., et al. Tissue- engineered autologous urethras for patients who need reconstruction: an observational study // Lancet. - 2011. - Vol. 377. №9772. - P.1175-1182. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)62354-9.
42. Rutherfurd H. On ruptured urethra: its treatment by combined drainage (suprapubic and per urethram) // Lancet. - 1904. - №2. - P.751-753.
43. Singh М., Blandy J.P. The pathology of urethral stricture // J Urol. - 1976. - Vol. 115. №6. - P.673-676.
44. Smith G.G., MintzE.R. Traumatic rupture of the urethra // Trans Am Assoc Genitourin Surg. - 1931. - Vol. 24. - P.241-248.
45. Thomas W. Cases of urinary difficulties occurring in boys // Lancet. - 1886. - №2. - P.339-341.
46. Thompson H. The history and practice of urethroplasty // Lancet. - Vol. 68. №1721. - P.219-220. DOI: http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/S0140-6736(02)76336-8
47. Turner-Warwick R. Complex traumatic posterior urethral strictures // Trans Am Assoc Genitourin Surg. - 1976. - Vol. 68.- P.60-72.
48. Waterhouse K., Abrahams J.I., Gruber H., et al. The transpubic approach to the lower urinary tract // J Urol. - 1973. - Vol. 109. №3. - P.486-490.
49. William of Malmesbury. Chronicle of the Kings of England. Translation by J.A. Giles. - London: Henry G Bohn, 1847. - P.306-311.
50. Wiseman R. Chirurgical Treatises, 4th edn. - London: Printed for Benjamin Tooke and John Meredith, 1705. - P.527- 540.
51. Webster G.D., Goldwasser B. Perineal transpubic repair: a technique for treating post-traumatic prostatomembranous urethral strictures // J Urol. - 1986. - Vol. 135. №2. - P.278-279.
Как цитировать
БЕЛОБОРОДОВ, Владимир Анатольевич; ВОРОБЬЕВ, Владимир Анатольевич. ПОРАЖЕНИЯ УРЕТРЫ (ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЙ ОБЗОР). Сибирский медицинский журнал (Иркутск) 16+, [S.l.], v. 152, n. 1, p. 5-9, окт. 2018. ISSN 1815-7572. Доступно на: <http://smj.ismu.baikal.ru/index.php/osn/article/view/264>. Дата доступа: 24 фев. 2025
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